As usual, accommodating to new environment takes time and sacrifices. Things I was completely aware are pollution, traffic, crowd, poor customer service. Only thing that took me by surprise was work environment. I am completely shocked to see such a bad atmosphere to work. First and foremost is the noise level. It is intolerable. I like the work place to be casual but with no noise. Next, lack of clarity on what to do. A developer is given all sorts of trouble, so that he doesn't complete his tasks. He is never said on what they are trying to accomplish as a whole. 200% true. People still see you with cunningness if you leave office by 6:30 P.M. Damn it, I come by 7:30 A.M. Most people start the day by noon. People misuse the term flexible work timings. Tasks are assigned on the fly. Might be there are some mistakes from my part also. But the crux is, the developer is not given enough freedom. Somehow i get the feeling that being process oriented means running a hurdles race than a regular one.

On personal front, you get surprises from all corners. You meet an old friend while waiting for a bus, in a restaurant, railway station etc., You feel elated when the maligai kadai annachi near by your home recognizes you. You feel happy in some corner of your heart, when you see the girl whom you remember for long still stays single ;-) If you don't have a mobile then people decide you are from Uganda. People make you feel uncomfortable by questioning about your age, marriage and all those nonsense. Not enough time and opportunity to spend on blogs and other tools. So far managed things as if swallowing a bitter pill. Don't know whether i am going to burst out or handle things with a smile.

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