This post best explains how lazy I am. The post is about the long weekend trip we went on July 1st. Staying over night was not a preferred choice for us. So decided to visit places which are three/four hours drive.

Day 1 - Ocean Shores:

Nice place if you like to fly kite, play beach volleyball, ride a bike or riding a horse. We didn't have any such plans, so we just made our feet wet and spent less than an hour. Drove to Pacific beach near by. This is the only deserted beach I had seen in my life. No single soul was there, except us. Except me everyone disliked this place.

Day 2 - Multnomah Falls
Googled a lot to get the
scenic route to reach this falls.Few links have praised the scenic route but the directions was not available in google maps.Didn't get the exact details but still managed to find some hints. The scenic route starts from the place called Troutdale. Just as you enter the scenic route you find a nice link river bank with water flowing along in a slow speed. Bright sun sign,long weekend,not much of people could imagine how people will be there right ?! We just stopped for coffee and nothing else.You get the drift right ?!?! As the temperature rose I got into my regular problem - headache. After that the trip enthusiasm was lost. There was couple of great views of the Columbian river on the way. We saw couple of waterfalls.இதெல்லாம் falls-nu சொன்னா அப்ப falls-அ என்னன்ணுடா சொல்லுவீங்க?

Day 3 - Snoqualmie Falls:
I have been here n number of times. This qualifies to be called as falls.

I didn't have "Water" as a theme for this longweekend. It just happened like that.

More pictures here...

Movies over the weekend:
இம்சை அரசன் 23-ம் புலிகேசி,ஐயா - Good.Superman Returns,Krrish - Not as bad as i expected.உயிர்- Bad as i expected.


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