புதுப்பேட்டை: It didn’t meet my expectations, still was a good one. Few areas were technically done well (Camera work, Art direction, background score). ஆபாசமே இல்லாம எடுக்கபட்ட குளியலறை காட்சி உள்ள ஒரே தமிழ் படம். For sure, Selvaragavan is setting new trend in Tamil films. Selva tries hard to show the true nature of people,environment,language etc.,Somehow Yuvan finds a place to sneak in English lyrics. "Going throurgh emotions" music bit is awesome.

கொக்கி,மது,ஜெர்ரி - தயவு செய்து இந்த படங்களெல்லாம் எல்லாம் பாத்துடாதீங்க.Indiaglitz gives positive review about all movies.sigh...

I was busy at work, that's why no frequent posts. The previous statement is damn lie. Too much of bad movies, less frequent trip to Redmond and literally no work constituted for not blogging recently. For long time I had a guilty feeling that I am the only one who write/see too much of movies over the weekend. But there is this guy – Filbytheboss’s posts proves that I am not alone.ஒரு வேலை Seattle-ல இருக்கவங்க எல்லாருக்கும் இதுதான் வேலையா ?

So after much frustration with recent Tamil movies, I spent lot of time in researching to start again with a real good old movie. Thus found முள்ளும்-மலரும் yesterday.தலைவர் கொஞ்சம் centi-அ போட்டு feel பண்ணவெச்சுட்டார் :-(

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