How many times this happened? All my hopes on Dravid shattered in few mins. I expected a lot from you dude. I don’t expect India to win every time but I expect them to fight every time. Looks like we gave up too early. Sorry Dravid, I can’t read those regular one liners like – Our batsman let us down, we didn’t bowl well in the right areas,blah,blah...anymore. Stop those sh!t statements. Do some good prep work before the match and execute it to perfection. A kind request to the media – Don’t ever say that Indian batting line up is one among the best. It sucks.

I guess this is the conversation Viru and Dravid had when they went to bat during the second innings.

Dravid: Did you get see places around Karachi?
Viru: No.
Dravid: I see an opportunity today ;-)
Viru: ?!?!?!

After getting out Dravid winks while passing Viru
Viru: I’ll be there when u reach the dressing room…

Ok, I don’t want to end the post with these useless rants. Here is a useful site that aggregates news for Indian audience – Really a great work.

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