As a part of Pongal special pgms, Sun T.V had a half-an hour interview with Sandhya. It was a double joy for me as I haven’t seen Sun T.V for almost 2 yrs and it is the first time watching Sandhya’s interview ;-) But it didn’t last long as the interviewer screwed up the whole session. He is a senseless idiot who didn’t know what to ask. Most of the questions were about schools, homework’s (yes homework’s!!!!), marriage etc., Poor kid she didn’t know what to answer, her answers were something like I love beaches, chocolates etc., If anyone happened to see that guy in Chennai slap him on my behalf. A**hole, used this opportunity to ogle at her up close. GOD is not fair. One real good thing he did was asking her to sing. I thought she is going to sound horrible but I was proved wrong. She did sing well, very well indeed.
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