Why the female bloggers don’t blog about their crushes? I have come across lot of blogs on crushes. Few male bloggers (including me) have a separate post on their crushes or at some point in their post reveal about their crushes. But I have never come across a female bloggers post about their crushes (celebrity crushes excluded). Does this mean that they don’t have any or they don’t want to post? Anyway it’s their wish but I am curious to read a post on it just to know what/how they feel. If anyone has come across such post please let me know.
It’s sad that my blogroll is going to have one blog link less. Kalai, who became a prominent figure (in blog world, I mean) after the famous e-mail fwd "En per padum paadu" is bringing the curtain down.
It’s sad that my blogroll is going to have one blog link less. Kalai, who became a prominent figure (in blog world, I mean) after the famous e-mail fwd "En per padum paadu" is bringing the curtain down.
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