Enjoyed an outing to Six flags last Saturday. Six flags here in Seattle is more of a water theme park where as other states have more roller coasters. Sunny day at Seattle always draws crowd out. The atmosphere inside the park was awesome. Water rides + sunny day + U.S dress code. Do I need to say about anything else? காண கண் கோடி வேண்டும்… I know this statement makes most of you fume ;-) Steep slide is the one that fooled me. Just went along with the crowd. As I approached the slide, slowly lost my smile, no conversation interested me, saw few people backing. I felt happy that it’s a tunnel slide kind of stuff. Happily got into the sliding position – lied down holding my arms in chest and folding the legs. When I heard “go” I just skidded fast, within few seconds I saw sunlight, thought phew that’s it… then came the steep board, I felt I am done for the day. Somehow came to real life in few seconds. Then saw how steep was the slide. It was like the letter 7.Damn it. The immediate decision was – “no more water rides, I am changing my clothes”. Lumber jack ride is the one that everyone spotted. Thought it has water slide, nothing dangerous. It was a group ride. Everyone was analyzing which seat would help them to maintain their dry clothes as it is. I didn’t care much about that. I got the last seat and after the ride, it’s me who didn’t get wet whereas all others got their clothes wet. Then checked out Timber Hawk ride. While in queue couple of friends felt it would be a good option to skip this ride. I said – “Looks like there is nothing much in this ride. Don’t afraid”. I am the only one who never opened my eyes in the full ride. It had few sharp turns, huge ups and downs. After the ride I wasn’t sure all my body parts are in their respective places. Everything was fine, God does exist. My face after the ride was as if I was beaten left and right by a ghost. After this what I suggested was an Enchanted Railway (kids train) and a 1906 Antique Carousel (one that is famous in our village festivals – u sit in a hanging horse doll and they take you slowly in circles).No one was ready to take these challenges. I think they got scared ;-) Left the place in the evening with some sweet (?!) memories for the heart and great sights for the eyes!!
Weekend movies : After a long time, I saw some great movies.
Weekend movies : After a long time, I saw some great movies.
கர்ணன்: I am not a fan of sivaji; I like the character - karna and the song உள்ளத்தில் நல்ல உள்ளம்....
ஆண்பாவம்: Very hilarious movie. It should be one among the few movies where both the heroines are dressed in பாவாடை தாவணி through out the movie (baring black & white movies). It was a pleasant feeling to watch such a movie.
Guess who: Yes an English movie. I seldom watch English movies. This was a good one. I recommend all to watch this one.
The Stepford wives: I condemn all who even think of watching this movie. A total crap.
Guess who: Yes an English movie. I seldom watch English movies. This was a good one. I recommend all to watch this one.
The Stepford wives: I condemn all who even think of watching this movie. A total crap.
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