India lost the third test match to Pakistan. Though losing a test match is nothing new for India, the way in which we lose matches is agonizing. We had all ten wickets (few of them are entitled as world class, should I include Ganguly?!), yet we lurched. It’s a shame on us. From the magazines that I read I assume that, the days plan was built around Shewag. “If he hits then we’ll try for a win else we will go for a draw”, Sounds good. But didn’t they plan how to execute it? Playing dot balls (Cricketing cliché – Amit Varma style) are not the only way to save a test. Ganguly even refused to leave the pitch after getting out(better luck next time Dada).Getting quick singles and few hard bat swings when we have more fielders around us will work as well. These activities will reduce the number of fielders surrounding you from six to four thereby reducing the opportunity to get wickets. I feel this option is not as risky as playing dot balls with seven people around you. Didn’t the captain, his deputy and coach think of this? Its simple guys.
This is not the first time we failed miserably. It happens so often that we loose our heads in crunch situations. In most situations common sense didn’t prevail. We dig our own hole and blame something else. (What about spreading this as match fixing?)
So stop claiming that we are second best Test team and have strongest middle order line up. We didn’t deserve it. So yet another series goes begging as in the past. We’ll forget these mistakes and get ready to watch the next mess. Foolish – isn’t it? To err might be human but making errors too often is not.Sorry Mr.Wright all your lessons and efforts so far is in danger.
This is not the first time we failed miserably. It happens so often that we loose our heads in crunch situations. In most situations common sense didn’t prevail. We dig our own hole and blame something else. (What about spreading this as match fixing?)
So stop claiming that we are second best Test team and have strongest middle order line up. We didn’t deserve it. So yet another series goes begging as in the past. We’ll forget these mistakes and get ready to watch the next mess. Foolish – isn’t it? To err might be human but making errors too often is not.Sorry Mr.Wright all your lessons and efforts so far is in danger.
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